Passive Voice Checker

Write or paste your text to check for passive voice usage

Analysis Results (0 passive sentences found)




Write or paste your text into the editor above to begin the analysis.



Click the "Check Text" button to instantly identify passive voice usage.



Review highlighted instances and consider converting to active voice for clearer writing.


What is passive voice?

Passive voice occurs when the subject is the receiver of the action rather than the doer. For example, instead of saying "The dog chased the ball," it becomes "The ball was chased by the dog."

Why avoid passive voice?

Active voice makes writing clear, straightforward, and easy to understand. It indicates who is performing the action, making the writing more engaging and easier for readers to follow.

When is passive voice acceptable?

Passive voice is appropriate in scientific writing, when the doer is unknown, or when you want to highlight the recipient of the action rather than the doer.